Variety Packs
Variety Packs
Variety Packs
Variety Packs

Variety Packs

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A Pack of Candles for You and Your Loved One!

Is it hard for you to pick only one candle? If yes, then purchase one of our Variety Packs, which combine 2 candles in 1 package! Create a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere in your room with this Massage Oil Candle set. These candles are made using premium fragrance oils to bring you a non-polluting and all natural, clean burn without hurting the environment. Our candles in the variety packs provide hours of aromatic bliss. The packs include luxurious Massage Oil Candles to gift your loved ones or keep for yourself. Each one smells divine with its own unique fragrance.



  • Shea Butter
  • Cocoa Butter
  • Soy Wax
  • Sweet Almond Oil
  • Fragrance Oils
How to Use Our Massage Oil Candles:
It’s simple! Light your candle and wait until the candle melts. Allow the calming fragrance to fill the room. Once the candle has melted, blow out the flame. Test the temperature of the massage oil prior to applying to skin. Enjoy the moisture that your skin now has! 
Charitable Donation: 
  • When you purchase a Lucky Thirteen candle, a portion of each purchase will be donated to a Women's Empowerment non-profit organization. 


  • **If you are pregnant or nursing, please consult with your doctor before using our candles**

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